Round 6 Summary by GM Stellan Brynell

GM Stellan Brynell

Photo by Mikael Svensson


Ju chose the Russian Defense against Maurizzi’s 1.e4. Both played a solid and safe game, and after 40 moves, a draw was agreed upon in a knight endgame where there were no possibilities left.


Korobov surprised Grandelius with the odd 4.h3 in the Four Knights Game variation. Grandelius soon had interesting possibilities on the kingside, but should perhaps have chosen a plan involving f5-f4, instead of letting white open up the position with 16.exf5, followed by 17.d4. When Korobov also managed to open up the f-file, things became unpleasant for black. Grandelius used up way too much time, and finally, he missed 32.Qg3, winning material. After that, Korobov had no problem winning.


Once again, we saw some impressive opening preparations. With the black pieces in the Anti-Marshall, Svidler played 20 moves very fast. They had by then reached an unclear position, with chances for both players. The balance was never really disturbed, and after 39 moves, they agreed upon a draw by repetition.


Via a reversed move order, they ended up in the a6 version of the Slav Defense. When Abdusattorov, on move 13, was allowed to carry out the thematic e6-e5, it became quite clear that he had managed to equalize. Keymer tried to launch a kingside attack, but it never looked real threatening. With both players low on time, Abdussatorov managed to gain a pawn, but Keymer had counter-play, thanks to his pawn on f6. The decisive mistake was at move 43, where Keymer should have played Re7, which probably would have led to a queen endgame where he was a pawn down, but still would have had good drawing chances. Instead, Abdusattorov was allowed to take on g4, after which white’s counter-play was gone, and the black d-pawn won the game for black.